Thanks so much for the overwhelming support and attention to the Fog & Gold Flag - a new city flag for San Francisco. Although currently unofficial, my goal is to make it the new official flag, or have a formal competition arranged to select and adopt a new flag.
Good news - for the over 100 people who ordered new flags, they are currently being printed as we speak. They should be finished printing in about 2 weeks, then sent to the flag vendor for quality control, then sent to me in San Francisco. All told, they should get here by end of May or first week of June.
I realize you're all eager to get your flags, and I wish I could give them to you sooner. However, with only one printer working at the flagmaker, and less reliable shipping, it may take some time.
I'm still trying to figure out how to do group e-mails so I don't have to type in each e-mail for over 100 people.
Your support and enthusiasm for the Fog & Gold Flag during these times warms my heart. I'm honestly surprised at the level of interest. I'll continue to write updates here on the block. Hope to get you e-mails soon.
Let me know if you have any questions. In the meantime, keep your spirits high - think creatively, support your community by being you and making a difference.
Brian Stokle
1 comment
Hi- I ordered a flag sometime ago( 3 weeks). Just wondering on the time frame for delivery? I know these are tough times so just let me know. Thank you!